Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Movie Review - Gravity

This weekend my sweet husband and I were able to escape away for a little impromptu "date night."  I was so excited to go to my favorite Chinese place in Bridgton, Maine.  If you are ever there you should really stop by Ruby Food.  But, I digress...the real reason for this post is to review the movie Gravity.  Sandra Bullock and George Clooney made the previews for the movie look somewhat interesting so we decided to give it a try.

I am a bit of sci-fi girl not over the top but some of my favorite shows and movies are sci-fi.  I say that so you don't think I only love the cutesy cutesy movies with just love a mush.  The effect for the movie are AWESOME.  Positively beautiful and some of the shots in the movie had to be all about the view...space...earth, a sunrise in space, a crash in space those were some awesome images I have to say.  If you go to see the movie keep the effects as the reason you pay money to see it. Because the rest of the movie was sadly predicable, and lacking in my opinion. 

At one point in the movie it is kind of a mushy teary eyed moment and my husband looked over at me to see if I am crying as I typically would be...if I had really felt the moment.  Nope, it was not believe able to me.  I didn't feel the moment, and let me tell ya I always cry or at least tear up when someone else does.  I cry at Hallmark commercials, I cry when I feel an overwhelming amount of pride someone has like for their school or community spirit like Firemen supporting a cancer patient.  Yeah I blubber at any touchy feely moment.  Not this one...why?  It was not done well, you didn't feel it or believe it. 

Sadly when the movie was over I felt let down.  I was like, is that it?   That is not a good feeling when you just spent $30 on tickets and popcorn and such.  So Meh on Gravity.  The effects in Gravity are awesome though.  It really is not worth our valuable Mommy time.  Save that get away moment for something better.